Everyone’s a DJ’s launching an official new monthly party in Hamilton on Saturday, 16 April 2011
Have you heard the news? After months and months of talking about it, Everyone’s a DJ is finally getting ready to launch a new monthly series in another city! If you’re in Hamilton, and you’ll be in town on Saturday, 16 April 2011, then I encourage you to stay tuned for details on what’s sure to be an awesome launch party!
We’ve been throwing around the idea of expanding the series into multiple cities for months now, but it’s always been a “back burner” idea at best. It was an absolute coincidence that a friend of mine sent me an email a couple of weeks ago, asking my permission for a terrific venue he’s working with to launch a similar night. I told him I’d be glad to let them do it, but that I’d prefer to go one better and partner up with them to do an official monthly night. They loved the idea, and the rest, as they say, will have to wait until the details are confirmed.
Stay tuned for news and updates! I’m really excited about this project, and I think it’s going to be a great opportunity to finally move on something that’s been a dream for over a year now. If this particular night goes well – and it’s looking very promising so far – then we’ll look at applying a similar model to more Canadian cities. We’re going to need your help to make it happen, so do keep an eye out and help us spread the word!
In the meantime, we’ll return to Disgraceland on Saturday, 12 March 2011, and spots are still available for those that want to spin. Check the schedule for updates as they’re posted, and sign up through the website. We look forward to seeing you there!
Posted in Everyone's a DJ