I’m suddenly realizing that the next three weeks are going to be pretty intense

Busy times ahead, you guys. Multiple gigs, including a terrific annual fundraiser and the launch of the new Hamilton branch of Everyone’s a DJ. Lots of new and existing projects on the go, including a few things I’m afraid I’ve got to keep a lid on for the time being. Plus it’s a busy time at work; a new fiscal year is about to begin, and our annual conference is just a couple of weeks away.

Keeping the regular, routine things going is often the toughest challenge whenever I let my schedule get this intense. The ol’ blog in particular tends to suffer during busy times; it’s tougher to make the time to write, and tougher to focus on something worth writing about.

I’m going to try and keep posting frequently during the days ahead, both here and on some of the other blogs I’m currently maintaining. There’s going to be an awful lot to write about, and pledging to keep up the pace now is a great way to shame myself into doing so down the line.

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