You ought to read “Beyond the Echo Chamber”

Progressive media veterans Jessica Clark and Tracy Van Slyke teamed up to chart the massive growth of progressive media outlets and networks in the United States between the 2004 election and the 2008 election. The result is Beyond the Echo Chamber, an engrossing and inspiring book.

Using a wide range of case studies, and highlighting a number of policy victories, Clark and Van Slyke reveal the secrets of the progressive media landscape’s growing success. Not only that, but in mapping the journey up to this point in a practical and engaging way, they chart a course toward future successes and victories.

Even for Canadian organizers, journalists, activists and bloggers, it’s an impressive read providing a wealth of information on contemporary history and communication. I’ve cited it in a number of posts over at, and I’m glad to recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about working together to build a more progressive world.

Posted in You Ought to Read