Everyone’s a DJ is officially off to a great new start

Big thanks to everyone who came out to last night’s edition of Everyone’s a DJ. We had a great crop of people, including some rookies and newbies, and we had a lot of fun with a flexible schedule and a wide range of music. I’m glad you all could be there!

Special thanks to those of you who came down to be a part of the conversation about taking Everyone’s a DJ in a new direction. We shared a lot of great ideas, and some of you even volunteered to take on specific roles. The transition is officially in motion, and I plan to do my part by laying out the next steps this week.

If you want to be involved, stay tuned to this space for updates. It doesn’t matter if you weren’t able to join us last night; we’ll have plenty of opportunities for plenty of people.

Watch for news on our next edition, along with plenty of details on how we’ll get from here to there over the course of the next month. Feel free to hit the comments and share your ideas, or simply stand up and be counted as an interested party.

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