Babylon Telecom might finally relaunch their podcast

, June 17, 2011

This according to the horse’s mouth. I’ll believe it when I see it, and frankly, I’ve got other things on the go. But it might be worth tuning in on Thursday to see if anything’s actually come of these lofty promises.

Posted in Babylon Telecom |

Looking for a niche

, January 27, 2009

If you’ve already downloaded the first hour-long episode of the new Babylon Telecom podcast series, which launched early yesterday morning, then thank you. If you haven’t, please feel free to do so – or better yet, subscribe to the feed to receive future episodes as soon as they’re available. A pretty decent number of people […]

Posted in Babylon Telecom, Events |

The new sound

, January 26, 2009

For over a year, I’ve been talking about launching a Babylon Telecom podcast series. Well, as of tonight, I’m glad to be able to tell you that I’ve done it. There’s a full moon in the sky, and Parliament is all set to resume in the morning, so it felt like a good night to […]

Posted in Babylon Telecom, Events |

Everyone’s a DJ, provided they’re single

, January 22, 2009

Hosting Everyone’s a DJ on the second Saturday of every month is generally a good idea. In February, however, the second Saturday happens to be Valentine’s Day. Call me crazy, but I’ve got a feeling that we’re not going to see as many couples as we usually do. At any rate, the date’s been set, […]

Posted in Babylon Telecom, Events |