Winter’s coming (that’s a thing, right?)
Sure, there might be a month and change left in the summer, technically speaking. But when I woke up this morning, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the days were running out. I’m a big fan of summer, and so far, I’ve had a great one. But there’s always so much I want to do, […]
Tags: fun, productivity, summer
Posted in Personal |
When the day is done, the day is done
I’ve started doing this thing where I stop working at midnight. If you know me and/or follow this blog, then you know I’m a night owl, and you know I like to take on a bunch of fun and creative projects that tend to feel like obligations in the wee hours. So I’ve drawn a […]
Tags: my job, my kid, my wife, productivity, vacation
Posted in Creative Projects |
Big difficult day ahead
I’ve mentioned before that one of the things I like about the jet lag you get coming back from the UK is that it basically compels you to get out of bed early. I usually try to maintain an early schedule for as long as I can, and I love the feeling of getting a […]
Tags: jet lag, my job, my kid, my wife, productivity
Posted in Personal |
A great new year on the horizon
A couple of months from today, I’m going to turn thirty-four. It’ll be the first day my thirty-fifth year alive. I feel like making it a great one. Of course, it’s one thing to say that, and another to do it. It doesn’t even make much sense to talk about a “great year” without thinking […]
Tags: 35, productivity
Posted in Personal |
A guide to using Evernote with GTD
The David Allen Company recently produced a guide to using Evernote, the free and popular note-taking app, as a platform for their Getting Things Done productivity system. Technically, they’ve produced two: one for Windows, and one for Mac. Evernote is a fairly flexible tool, and there are many different ways you can set it up […]
Tags: David Allen, Evernote, GTD, productivity
Posted in Work and Career |
Sleep is a funny thing
On the one hand, I can grab three hours of the stuff, and spend the next day feeling energized and refreshed. On the other hand, I can crash early, sleep as late as possible the next day, and still feel exhausted. Right now, I’ve got a bit of the latter going. Let’s just say this […]
Tags: my kid, productivity, sleep
Posted in Personal |
How I (often fail to) blog
I wrote a draft version of this post the other night, so I wouldn’t have to rush it. This morning, I read it with a fresh pair of eyes and gave it a quick rewrite. I don’t always take this approach when it comes to my writing; half the time, in fact, I end up […]
Tags: blogging, productivity
Posted in Creative Projects |
Phasing it all back in
I’m a guy who likes to try and get a lot done in a day, and a good way to do that is to turn as many jobs as I can into habits. The disadvantage of this is you eventually come to cram your average day with one routine after another. Before long, you’re just […]
Tags: blogging, my job, my kid, my wife, productivity
Posted in Personal |
An early start to a long week
I’ve been up since about 5:30 AM. I’ve exercised, gotten my kid off to daycare, and mapped out the day ahead. I’m hoping to do the same thing tomorrow. The week ahead is going to be a brutal one. As it is, I’ve got a few fires to put out at the office this morning, […]
Tags: exercise, mornings, my kid, productivity
Posted in Personal |