We call it master and servant
This post is essentially a test. If you’re not into blogs or social media sites or other nerdy pleasures, you can probably go ahead and skip this one.
I’ve installed a plugin on this blog that posts a notice on Twitter whenever I publish new content. If I’ve done it right, then publishing this post will automatically send a new “tweet” out through my account. It’ll be something along the lines of “Blog Post: We call it master and servant” followed by a link to this post.
I’ve also got an application running on Facebook that automatically imports my tweets into my status. So whenever I post on this blog, the plugin will generate a tweet on Twitter, and that tweet will in turn become my Facebook status. That’s a pretty broad reach for a simple blog post – especially one as dull and dorky as this one.
At any rate, I’m going to try this system out for a while and see if it works for me. There’s a very fine line between convenience and overkill; I know that some people are turned off by the whole idea of syncing Twitter and Facebook, and I doubt that throwing my blog into the mix would help. On the other hand, when Kate was in the hospital, and I had to get frequent updates out to a lot of people, I found that having the sites linked up was helpful. Feel free to let me know what you think.
Posted in Uncategorized
It worked!! I got here via the tweet you twatted