
After a couple weeks of tinkering around, I’ve finally managed to put the finishing touches on It’s taken me about a year a half to get around to building this site, but better late than never, right?

Check it out and let me know what you think. It’s a brand new site, and I’m hoping it’ll tell the DJs and the crowd alike what they need to know. If I’ve left anything out, or if there’s any room for improvement, feel free to let me know.

There’s a lot of big news coming up this summer, so please stay tuned. I’ve mentioned on the site that I’d like to launch some nights in other cities, and if you think you might like to help out, then I’d love to hear from you. But I’m working on another project right now, and I’m hoping I’ll get to tell you about it as early as this week. Watch the website for news as it develops.

In the meantime, the next edition of Everyone’s a DJ is happening down at Disgraceland this Saturday night. From this point forward, you can check the schedule page to find out who’s spinning at the next event. Bookings for July will open up shortly, so stay tuned for details if you’d like to grab a spot.

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