Bad press for Bell

The CBC has reported on a British Columbia court ruling blocking Bell Mobility from advertising its network as the “most reliable” in Canada. The ruling comes as a result of legal action launched earlier this month by Rogers, who lost a similar case against Telus last month over their own claim to being Canada’s most reliable network.

So which of Canada’s networks really is the most reliable? From a legal point of view, that’s not the point. If I’m following the logic, the reason Bell can’t make the claim is because it’s based on testing conducted before their upgraded network was actually launched. In other words, it’s based on a review of their service conducted at a time when that service wasn’t actually being provided.

Going by the report, it seems that the only legitimate thing Bell can say about its new network is that it’s better than the old one. If those were the only two networks in Canada, then yes, their network would be the most reliable.

Following the ruling, a Bell spokesperson argued that “no wireless network in Canada can make a most reliable claim in Canada right now… if we can’t claim it, nobody can.” I’m personally not sure if that’s actually true, but there you go.

Thanks to Michael Geist for the link.

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