Look at this kid, you guys, I don’t even care

I’ll be honest with you. I’ve spent the past day or two trying to pretend that a baby who’s been plunked down inside a hollow watermelon that’s been gently placed in the seat of a comfortable chair – and who’s been left to gnaw on the walls of his own little watermelon cage like it’s the one thing he was born to do and don’t even worry about it – isn’t the cutest damned thing in the whole wide world.

But you know what? Look at this. Look at it!

Big thanks to my friend Brook for the link. If this clip doesn’t make your heart melt, then frankly, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to spend any time with you anymore.

I mean, look at that kid go to town! Look at him, damn it! Doesn’t that one thirty-second clip make you want to reevaluate your whole stupid life?

Seriously, you guys! I can’t stop watching this kid make “showin’ a watermelon who’s boss” the top line of his resume! I’m literally growing to accept the notion that my inability to stop watching this clip is eventually and inevitably going to cost me my wife and my job!

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