It’s Friday, so here’s the video for “All Uncovered” by the Watchmen
Here’s a great song by a fine band that still holds up sixteen years after the fact. It’s also a bit of a bummer, but what can I tell you? They can’t all be toe-tappers, and frankly, nor should they be.
The Watchmen were another one of the bands I had the pleasure of booking during the year I spent as a university concert promoter, which was several years after this song was released. They played a show at the campus pub where I also happened to be working as a DJ – two jobs and a B-minus average, everybody! – and afterward they headed into the pub’s office to do an interview with one of the student papers. I was lucky enough to sit in on it, which was a really cool experience.
At least, I assume it was a cool experience. To tell you the truth, I slept through the whole damned thing because I’d been up for something like two straight days trying to put the finishing touches on the show around my course schedule. It was less a matter of “sitting in” and more a matter of “collapsing nearby and hopefully not snoring.” Still, it was nice to have been there.
Posted in It's Friday