Link of the Day: Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
What a week, you guys. I’ve been working heavily, socializing heavily, drinking heavily… And as you can see, I’ve even been blogging heavily. The only thing I haven’t been doing heavily lately is sleeping, and I really ought to make the time to do so.
Today’s link isn’t anything socially conscious or vital. As it is, I feel like I did enough preaching yesterday, not once, but twice. So today, let’s just go with a clip of Stephen Root performing part of the “Macho Business Donkey Wrestler” bit from an old episode of NewsRadio. It’s a favourite of mine, and I know a lot of you out there like it too.
Sadly, this clip doesn’t include the “Jimmy has fancy plans” line, which is one of the best of the bunch. But I’m sure it’s easy enough to find among the related videos.
Posted in Link of the Day
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Heh… That’s a delightful bit of overthink, for sure.