Link of the Day: The Metropolitan Community Church

Quite possibly the best church in town. We attended their service as guests this morning, and as always it was a great time. But I’ll tell you a little more about that later.

The senior pastor at the MCC is none other than the Reverend Brent Hawkes, who also happens to be one of Canada’s leading gay rights activists. In 2001, through an interesting legal technicality in the province of Ontario, Rev. Hawkes performed what came to be recognized as the first legal same-sex marriage in Canada. And I’m proud to tell you that in October of this year, he’ll be performing our marriage as well.

If you’ve never attended a service at the MCC, you should definitely take the time. Even if you’re not a particularly religious person, you’ll no doubt find it to be a great and reaffirming community event. You can even watch their services online via streaming video.

Posted in Link of the Day