AIDS Walk Update: Target met, target surpassed, target doubled
It’s been less than a month since I registered to do this year’s AIDS Walk for Life, an event that raises a huge and much-nedeed amount of money and support every year for the AIDS Committee of Toronto. I set a fundraising target of five hundred dollars, because thanks to the support of a number of generous sponsors, I was able to meet that goal last year.
Well, it’s been a big week, and we’ve not only met that goal again this year, but we’ve exceeded it! This week alone I’ve received generous support from my girlfriend and her mother Jill, as well as friends like Rich Platel, Vinnie Wong, Stephen Johns, Cameron Barr, and a very good friend who asked that his name not be given. Special mention ought to go to Mike Shaver for making the substantially generous donation that put the whole thing over the top.
At the time of this writing, we’ve broken the six hundred dollar mark – so I’ve decided to double my fundraising target from five hundred dollars to a thousand. The walk is still a few weeks away, and if you’ve been thinking about sponsoring someone – or taking part yourself – then it’s definitely not too late. Please feel free to take a moment to visit my fundraising page, through which you can donate online. Thank you!
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