The greatest day of your life

When you’re planning a wedding, you run into an awful lot of people who tell you that your wedding day is, or should be, the greatest day of your life. It’s a phrase you’re going to hear word for word, over and over again. “The greatest day of your life.”

Well, anyone who says that is either a salesperson or an outright moron. Because if your wedding day is indeed the greatest day of your life, then logically, every single subsequent day of your married life together is going to pale in comparison. And wouldn’t knowing that make the greatest day of your life a little less than great?

I’m no expert on weddings or marriage, but I feel like a wedding ought to be a a party to celebrate your union. As for married life itself, I like to think it’ll actually get better as the years go by – or at least not peak on the very first day! Some days are better than others, sure, and a lot of those days are bound to be pretty tough. Again, I’m no expert, but I know it takes work, and I’ll bet it takes a lot more work than planning a wedding.

But yeah, this whole notion that your wedding day is supposed to be the greatest day of your life? It’s just a thing that salespeople tell you in order to help you to rationalize spending a little extra money on the really nice seat covers. Sorry, teenage girls everywhere.

If you’re ever planning a wedding, and you should happen to tell a salesperson that you’re on a budget and you’re more interested in spending money on things that your guests are actually going to care about, and that salesperson gives you a disappointed look as if to suggest that you’re being pretty fickle about the greatest day of your life, then you can pretty much just go ahead and beat them with a book of floral print fabric samples. Go ahead and give ‘em one for me, would you?

Posted in Uncategorized

4 Responses to “The greatest day of your life”

  1. Kate says:

    Exactly. The marriage is way more important than the wedding. And I’m not spending hundreds of dollars on renting seat covers or on favours or an aisle runner or anything stupid like that.

    Unless your definition of ‘The greatest day of your life’ is to feel like every single person you are doing business with on that day is ripping you off in a major way, I think you’re right. I wish they’d just be honest and call it ‘The most expensive day of your life’.

    Bah. Wedding humbug. Can’t wait for the marriage, though.

  2. Matt says:

    Well, don’t get me wrong; I think the wedding will still be pretty good.

  3. toby says:

    I don’t think it’s supposed to be the best as in ‘the rest of the days are crap’, but more in a sense that ‘I love my spouse and the life we have had together; the wedding was a terrific party with all of our family and friends that marked the beginning of that journey. It was the best day of my life’. Just like the birth of a child is the best day. Not because having a kid sucks the rest of the time, but quite the opposite. It’s the day that changed your life in a very positive direction. I’m not sure you are supposed to realize the full importance, or ‘best day factor’ until later in life.

  4. Matt says:

    I can get behind that way of thinking, Toby. And it’s got to be said that your wedding was indeed a fantastic day.