People need to acknowledge that I rolled up the rim and won

, March 26, 2013

Listen, I don’t want to be “that guy,” or anything, but I feel like the “free coffee” award I handed in at Tim Hortons this morning got a really lacklustre reception. I mean, I understand they’ve got to keep things moving during the morning rush. I understand how quickly things can grind to a halt […]

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What’s so bad about teaching men not to rape?

, March 25, 2013

In a series of tweets last week, I mentioned that I’ve never understood the resistance to “teach men not to rape” campaigns. Regardless of one’s views on sexual assault, rape culture, victim blaming, feminism or any number of issues, I’d at least like to think that most people would recognize that teaching young men not to […]

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Why the dreaded feminism is better for men than the men’s rights movement

, March 21, 2013

There’s a lot of fuss and bother on the web lately about the so-called “men’s rights movement.” From the look of things, what used to be a random assortment of scared little boys, deadbeat dads and Internet trolls is quickly becoming an impressively organized group of indignant whiners. You can call its emergence a credit […]

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God must exist in Latin, but not necessarily in English

, March 21, 2013

René Descartes, the French philosopher who scored a hit in 1637 with “I think, therefore I am,” laid out a logical argument for the indisputable existence of God. In Principles of Philosophy, published seven years later, he wrote the following: “Next, the mind considers the various ideas it has within itself; and one stands out far […]

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The Scarborough I know is more than just a place with great dentists

, March 20, 2013

I grew up in Scarborough, and I still feel like I’m going home whenever I go back there. The only thing is, I hardly ever go back anymore. That’s the way it is, I suppose, with a lot of the places we call home. My family moved out years ago, and so did most of […]

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Taking the next few baby steps toward an actual website

, March 19, 2013

If you’re a regular visitor to this website, then may have started to notice a few little changes here and there. Over the next few weeks, you’re going to see a lot more of them. I’ve finally started getting to work on turning my humble blog into a fully developed website. I’ve thought about what […]

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CNN basically had to cover the Steubenville verdict that way (and that’s the problem)

, March 18, 2013

Mallory Ortberg of Gawker made a great point in her criticism of Candy Crowley, Poppy Harlow, and the CNN coverage of the Steubenville verdict. It’s by no means an excuse, but it’s still an important caveat: “It is unlikely that Candy Crowley and Poppy Harlow are committed rape apologists; more likely they simply wanted a […]

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Look, the point is, he was a good kid

, March 15, 2013

“You’ve got a really great kid,” I said. “You’re doing a good job.” I was so excited that I actually got to say that to another man. I’ve said it to plenty of women about their own children, but I’ve been waiting for over a year to pay a man the same compliment. A few […]

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Never post obvious filler content on your blog just for the sake of maintaining a daily posting schedule

, March 14, 2013

Good advice, right? But you’d be surprised how many bloggers don’t follow it.

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Clicking to donate never looked so good

, March 13, 2013

The folks at GreaterGood have given their range of “click to donate” websites a complete design overhaul. The new layout is more spacious and visually appealing, and it does a much better job of organizing a wide range of links and content. Best of all, it’s still remarkably easy to contribute to a range of […]

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