Looking for a niche
If you’ve already downloaded the first hour-long episode of the new Babylon Telecom podcast series, which launched early yesterday morning, then thank you. If you haven’t, please feel free to do so – or better yet, subscribe to the feed to receive future episodes as soon as they’re available. A pretty decent number of people have already done so, and the feedback I’ve gotten so far has been encouraging.
To tell you the truth, Babylon Telecom’s been a tough little project to promote. The live sets are a bit of a departure from the usual night out, what with all the noise and politics and such. The people who come to the shows are pretty receptive, but I’m starting to realize that they can’t really be promoted in the same way as a Yo! Jamz night, for example. That comparison sort of ignores the fact that Paul’s a much better promoter than I am, but you know what I mean.
At any rate, some good stuff’s coming up. If nothing else, a lot of these sets are better suited to listening than dancing, and the podcasts will hopefully prove to be a better way to reach an audience than the club shows have been.
Frankly, I’m grateful that anyone cares at all, so thanks to those that do. Stay tuned for more as it develops, and feel free to tell your friends about the weird new podcast you heard about.
Posted in Babylon Telecom, Events