I’m still here

I haven’t posted much on this blog in a long time, and it’s mainly because I’ve been working on redesigning the site as a whole. Not that I’ve been working very hard, of course; my day job and other commitments have kept me from putting much effort into personal projects like this website. But now that things are easing off, I’m putting myself on notice. I’ve got a lot more time to work on this stuff, which means I’ve got no excuse for not getting it done.

I’m going to get back into regular posts, if only to get more familiar with the Textpattern interface, so stay tuned to this space if that’s your thing. I’ll also keep you posted on events and such, and I’ll keep adding new content to Righteous Melody, Shplang, and the new blog at ericarthur.com. And as long as I’m plugging personal stuff, I might as well let you know I’m now on Twitter @mjblair.

That was fun, wasn’t it? I promise the next post won’t be nothing but a bunch of plugs. You just wait and see.

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