Awesome delivery

, April 15, 2010

Hey, remember when I told you about Neil Pasricha and his brand new book? Well, it’s finally yours to read and enjoy. My pre-ordered copy arrived in the mail yesterday, and I’m very much looking forward to checking it out. I’ll let you know how it turns out. I’m expecting a great read, and I […]

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Righteous Melody returns next week

, April 14, 2010

For those of you keeping track, I’m afraid there won’t be any new strips this week. I’ve got a huge annual three-day work thing in Richmond Hill starting on Sunday, and the last of those days is also the day we officially get the keys to our new place. There’s a lot to do, and […]

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Hey, you’ll never guess what!

, April 13, 2010

In case you haven’t heard, Kate is one of three finalists in this year’s Toronto Star short story contest! There were eighteen hundred entries this year, so that’s no small feat to say the least. She and the other two finalists will find out exactly how they placed in a couple of weeks. Pretty amazing, […]

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A helpful resource for the boyfriends of English nerds

, April 12, 2010

The A.V. Club has a regular feature called “Primer,” which they describe as their “ongoing series of beginners’ guides to pop culture’s most notable subjects.” In practice, I’m not a hundred percent sure what distinguishes it from “Gateways to Geekery,” a similar A.V. Club series. But they’re both worth a read now and then, and […]

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It’s Friday, so here’s the video for “Blast” by Pure

, April 9, 2010

If you shut your eyes, this could just as easily be a brand new, retro-tinged 7″ by a bunch of kids from the UK. And if that’s what it was, then I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like Steve Lamacq were to champion it. But it’s not a brand new UK single; it’s a track […]

Posted in It's Friday |

Currently enjoying “Oversteps” by Autechre

, April 8, 2010

The thing that sets Autechre apart from the vast majority of musical acts out there is their stubborn insistence on paying as little regard to personality, context or convention as possible. Groups who tell you that they’re “all about the music” are a dime a dozen, but in Autechre’s case it’s practically true by default. […]

Posted in Currently Enjoying |

I’m hosting two readings tonight

, April 8, 2010

If you’re in the mood to catch some live readers tonight, then I’m hosting a couple of events you won’t want to miss. Strong Words returns to the Free Times Cafe at 8:00 PM tonight, featuring appearances by Catriona Wright, Andrew MacDonald and Simon Patrick Rogers. The reading will be “pay what you can,” and […]

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Varial is offering a deal on domains and web hosting

, April 7, 2010

The good people at Varial Technologies, who host this site and the many sites affiliated with it, are offering a discount on all new orders. Using the coupon code “APRIL” between now and the end of the month, you can get 10% off new domain registrations and transfers, along with 10% off any new hosting […]

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Building a more accurate picture

, April 6, 2010

Hey, remember when I said I’d finally gotten around to tracking my site traffic? Well, it turns out that I apparently did a really half-assed job. Personally, I blame Textpattern – or to be more accurate, I blame my complete and consistent misunderstanding of how the damned thing actually works. It’s a wonderfully flexible content […]

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Facebook’s abuse reporting system is easily abused

, April 6, 2010

When I wrote about Collateral Murder yesterday, I linked to And I’m glad I did; it’s one of a number of URLs that links to the site Wikileaks launched, and it’s not the one that Facebook immediately blocked. Earlier this morning, people started noticing that if they were to post a link to […]

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