Published today: Marcy Playground review on Chart
To the nones of people who are always asking how they can be a music critic just like me, I’d like to offer the following gaze into the creative process behind this review:
1. When did Marcy Playground release “Sex and Candy,” exactly? 1997, right?
2. Was that before or after the New Radicals did that one song of theirs?
3. I wonder if I’d be able to land a joke about that Marcy Playground song being so dull that it forced the government to call in the New Radicals to record a hokey inspirational song about the power of youth in order to turn the economy around, without angering Chart by going over my three-hundred-word limit.
4. I can’t, huh? Well, maybe that’s for the best.
5. Why didn’t “nones” trigger the spell checker? Is it an actual word? It is? Well, I’ll be damned.
Posted in Published Today