Yesterday’s News: Tuesday, 31 May 2011

It’s that time again. Let’s take a look at a bunch of interesting stuff that happened yesterday, on the web and around the world.

  • They’ve also reported that Mayor Rob Ford is calling on a court to delay a review of his campaign expenses
  • The CBC reported that carbon emissions related to energy consumption apparently hit a record high in 2010
  • Macleans, meanwhile, noted that “the federal government for the UN deliberately omitted data showing that Canada’s oilsands accounted for a 20 per cent increase in emissions”
  • The White House posted a transcript of President Obama’s remarks at yesterday’s Memorial Day service
  • Also on BoingBoing, PBS went and got itself hacked
  • Lifehacker posted a list of projects you can tackle on the extra day of a long weekend

Finally, over at, I posted this, this and this.

Posted in Yesterday's News