Three reviews in the latest edition of Broken Pencil
A few months ago, I signed on to write zine reviews for Broken Pencil. The first three reviews I’ve written – one glowing, one positive, and one damning – can be read in the Spring 2012 issue. I don’t believe they’re available online, but you can pick up the print edition.
Don’t buy it for my reviews, of course. Buy it for the new fiction and comics, or the piece on bartering culture by Melinda Mattos, or the item on video game zinesters, or the recap of this year’s Indie Writers Deathmatch. I could go on, but it’s all right there in the pages of the issue.
Sure, you guys, my reviews are terrific. But there’s more to the latest issue than that, you know? You owe it to yourself to check it out in full, just as you owe it to me to check out the cool bits I did.
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