My first Father’s Day was a lazy one
I had planned to get a few things done today, but a late morning and a couple of lazy hours ended up setting the tone. Looking back, I’m glad they did.
What did I do with my Father’s Day? I enjoyed the warm weather. I took my kid for a stroll around the neighbourhood. I read about half of The Long Walk, and watched a few episodes of Futurama. I turned on the Xbox after everyone had gone to bed, and wandered around San Andreas for a while.
I didn’t do quite as much parenting as I feel like I should have today; my wife kept insisting I relax and let her take care of things. Then again, my daughter was in great spirits, and she slept and ate rather well, so there wasn’t really much to do besides enjoy ourselves.
My mother texted me to wish me well, and I asked her to pass on the same to my father. I got tagged in a couple of tweets and status updates by friends of mine, who were thoughtfully sending out love to all the new dads they knew. I even wound up with a brand new copy of the Bill Cosby classic Fatherhood, which I look forward to reading again.
That’s about it. I might squeeze in a couple of little jobs, just so I can go to bed feeling like I’ve had a productive day. Either way, I’ll feel like I’ve had a good one.
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