An unsolicited but timely conversation with my mobile phone provider

“For a chance to win a free mobile phone, please complete a free survey based on your most recent call to [my phone company]. Reply Yes.”


“What was the main reason for your call? Reply using 1 to 6 (1= Contract, 2= Phone, 3= Plan, 4= Billing, 5= Cancel, 6= Other)”


“Rate the performance of the last agent that assisted you. Reply using 1-5 (1= Poor, 2= Fair, 3= Good, 4= Very Good, 5= Excellent)”


“Was this mainly due to their? Reply using 1 to 5 (1= [Lack of] Professionalism, 2= [Lack of] Knowledge, 3= [Lack of] Willingness to help, 4= [Lack of] Communication, 5= Other)”


“Would you agree that your inquiry was resolved by the end of the call? Reply using 1 or 2 (1=Yes, 2=No)”


“Was this your first time calling in about this particular inquiry? Reply using 1 or 2 (1=Yes, 2=No)”


“Please share any feedback you have regarding the agent that assisted you. Thank you! You’ve been entered into the draw.”

I spoke to a manager ([Name provided but withheld here]) who was flippant and rather rude about a contract issue I’d been dealing with for nearly a week.

Her lack of professionalism convinced me to do what I can to drop [my phone company] and look elsewhere for service.

I also posted my concerns on Twitter yesterday, and have received no response from you, though I’ve gotten a great response from people similarly unsatisfied with you.

“Thanks for participating in the survey. This survey is now closed/Merci de votre participation. Le sondage est maintenant termine.”

“Thanks for participating in the survey. This survey is now closed/Merci de votre participation. Le sondage est maintenant termine.”

“Thanks for participating in the survey. This survey is now closed/Merci de votre participation. Le sondage est maintenant termine.”

A free phone would rule, actually.

“Thanks for participating in the survey. This survey is now closed/Merci de votre participation. Le sondage est maintenant termine.”

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