Once again, I’m the last to know that I was quoted in the Toronto Star

While cleaning out some old feed items tonight, I discovered that back in the first week of June, the Toronto Star quoted me in an article about the city’s plastic bag ban. Mind you, when I say “quoted,” I mean they reprinted something I’d said on Twitter.

Actually, if you want to get technical, they reprinted a portion of something I’d said. “To be fair to the mayor,” I tweeted, “this plastic bag ban does seem like a bit of a spontaneous, non-researched gamble…” But in the next tweet I linked to this article, noting that “as Councillor Perks points out, it wouldn’t have happened if not for Ford’s own ‘reckless’ gamble.”

So the tweet that the Star quoted doesn’t really represent the point I was trying to make, but that’s okay, because it’s not like they were interviewing me. They were just quoting something I’d said on a public social network. And since it’s the Star, I guess we should give them credit for not just posting the part of what I said that made the mayor look bad.

If I’d know about the article at the time, I would have shared it with you. You’d figure I would have seen it coming, since this wasn’t even the first time this sort of thing has happened. Back in March of 2010, the Star quoted a blog post of mine in another article, and once again, I didn’t even know about it until a friend pointed it out.

As far as I know, those were the only times the Star has quoted my blog or my Twitter account. If you ever spot a third, would you do me a favour and tell me about it?

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