My daughter and I are both in the new issue of Shameless
A few months ago, I wrote an article for Shameless about some of the challenges a man has to face in the course of trying to raise a daughter these days. That article is in the current issue, which you can now find wherever quality independent magazines for fierce young women are sold. Many thanks […]
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Recap: Week Two of “Six Weeks of Rush” was the last, and there are two reasons why
Yes, I’ve officially given up on my Six Weeks of Rush challenge, without even crossing the halfway point. After just two weeks of listening to this show, I’ve concluded that there’s nothing I can learn from it in another four weeks that I haven’t already learned from the first two (or that I could learn […]
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Twitter temporarily suspended my “Six Weeks of Rush” account, probably because of a liberal media conspiracy, etc.
Well, that was a little embarrassing. The good people at Twitter chose to suspend the @SixWeeksofRush account the other night, right in the middle of an episode recap and everything. It’s back online now, but of course it’ll take me some time to get back into the swing of things. I’d like to be able […]
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Recap: Week One of “Six Weeks of Rush” turned out to be the dullest high school media literacy course ever
When I started my Six Weeks of Rush challenge on the first of the month, I didn’t know what to expect from the show, and I didn’t know how I’d comment on it. I started off by checking facts and critiquing assumptions, but I quickly realized that this was pointless. The lies, manipulation and flawed […]
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Today’s the first day of my “Six Weeks of Rush” challenge
For those of you keeping score, today’s the first day of my well-intended but ultimately disastrous Six Weeks of Rush ordeal. As I noted in a prior post, I’ll be tuning into the show live from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, but because I’ll be at work I won’t be tweeting about it until this […]
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