As Parliament resumes, Canadians celebrate common causes on #J28
Today’s the day that our MPs head back to the Hill to resume Parliament, and Canadians across the country are marking the occasion with a day of action designed to unify our nation’s progressive social movements.
It’s all happening under the banner of Common Causes, which is “an assembly of social movements dedicated to defending democracy, the environment and human rights.” It’s a campaign that aims to bring a strong, coordinated voice to bear on the current government’s agenda of “weakening environmental protections, cutting public services and jobs, ignoring workers’ rights, attacking civil liberties and eroding democracy.”
Working in combination with established and emerging campaigns, including the growing #IdleNoMore movement, Common Causes insists that a large-sale demonstration is vital. “The assembly believes that coordinated action is needed to take a strong stand against the current federal government agenda that is changing society in critical areas such as the economy, the environment, labour rights, health care, food safety, education, social programs, culture, civil liberties, peace and poverty.”
You can visit for more information on the day of action, and to check out a list of events in your area. You can also follow the #J28, #commoncauses and #idlenomore hashtags on Twitter for live updates from participants and commentators.
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