Joe Walsh may not be a Congressman anymore, but at least he’s still a deadbeat dad

Remember Joe Walsh, the Republican Congressman and Tea Party darling from Illinois who lost his reelection bid in November? Remember that list of reasons why he’s a total asshole? Well, looks like it’s time to add another:

  • He just filed a request in Cook County Circuit Court to stop paying child support payments, because he doesn’t have a job anymore. “Joe’s employment has been terminated through no voluntary act of his own,” the filing states, “and he is without sufficient income or assets with which to continue to pay his support obligation.”

Bear in mind that the reason Walsh is unemployed is because the voters in his district threw him out on his ass. It’s a stretch, in fact, to say that he lost his job “through no voluntary act of his own”; one could easily argue that it was a slew of disgraceful, public and voluntary acts that led the voters to realize he was a scumbag and vote him out.

And you know what? Using his election loss as the latest in a series of excuses not to pay his child support doesn’t exactly disprove that whole “scumbag” theory.

By the way, he’s also suing the Chicago Sun-Times over an article about his pathetic history of child support issues, which he calls a “hit piece.” I sure hope he doesn’t find out about this blog and sue me! I actually care about looking after my kid!

In the meantime, true to my word, I visited the iTunes Store this morning and bought a copy of “Life’s Been Good to Me.” The good Joe Walsh deserves it.

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