I just made someone’s day a lot worse
I was having a really good day until the Bloor Line pulled up at Yonge Station. I can only hope the guy standing next to me, whose glasses I managed to lose, was having a good day too.
I don’t even know how it happened, but in the flurry of foot traffic after the doors opened, I knocked them off his head and into the crowd. He looked around on the train, and I looked around outside, but we couldn’t find them.
I feel like an absolute jackass. I offered to give him my number, in case they don’t show up in the Lost and Found, so I could replace them. He wouldn’t hear of it.
I’m officially in the red on today’s balance sheet. If anyone needs me, I’ll be running around in a desperate bid to do good deeds for strangers. I just gave a buck to those Tim Hortons kids, which won’t help that guy get his glasses back, but at least it’s something.
God, I hope those glasses were an affectation! I’ll never make fun of hipsters again if that turns out to be the case!
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