Here are just a few simple ways you can make a difference on International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day, an annual event in which we not only celebrate and support the social and political achievements of women around the world, but also reflect on the challenges they still face. In addition to acknowledging the amazing women in your life, there are all sorts of ways you can make an impact.

The Coalition for Gun Control, for example, is asking its supporters to circulate a flyer calling for stronger gun control to protect vulnerable women. It spells out the government’s efforts to further weaken restrictions on the weapons that are too often used in cases of domestic violence, and it contains five simple steps you can take to fight back. Do take a moment to read and share it.

The good people at Amnesty International have also sent out an email full of action items. You can take action in the fight for justice for Egypt’s Azza Hilal Ahmad Suleiman, for example. You can also check out their “My Body, My Rights!” campaign, and sign the corresponding petition to the UN calling for global protection of sexual and reproductive rights.

Obviously, these are just a few examples. Feel free to share yours in the comments. The more we can do together, the better!

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