It’s Friday, so here are the videos for “Peace Sells” and “Symphony of Destruction” by Megadeth
All right, I admit it. I’m still on a bit of a high from yesterday Not only that, but I’ve got the day off today. Those are two great reasons to rock, and that calls for two great videos from one of the most accomplished bands in metal.
The first is “Peace Sells,” a classic from the era of the band’s first long-term roster, featuring one of those recognizable bass lines in metal. There’s also a brief cameo by Jello Biafra as the typical angry conservative father, although there’s been some debate on the web over whether or not it’s actually him.
The second is “Symphony of Destruction,” which came along a few years later. Again, one of the most classic riffs around. Supposedly, some of the lyrics for this song were written on the back of a certain band leader’s arrest paperwork.
Good times, but I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. I’d hate to be accused of turning this side into some sort of Megadeth fan page, you know? So as a bonus, here’s… I don’t know, the video for “Funkmobile” by Bass is Base.
Posted in It's Friday