Compelling thoughts on the TSA affair from a guy who’s got a serious thing for Kristen Bell

Last week, I shared a recent commentary by Davey D on the whole TSA hullabaloo. Today, I feel like it’s only right to link to this post by blogger SamuraiFrog over at the frequently clever (and often NSFW) Electronic Cerebrectomy. Like Davey D, he rises above all the shouting and makes a rather valid “big picture” point:

“I’m seeing a lot of people interviewed on the news this morning,” he writes, “who are quite clearly bending over backwards to say that the TSA has the right to do whatever they want. But when you look in the eyes of these people, they seem nervous. Like, if they don’t seem happy to submit to whatever authority wants, they’re going to get in trouble somehow. And that really bothers me.

“It’s bad enough we’re turning this country into some kind of soviet [state], with secret police and permission papers and random security checks. But when you keep submitting to violations of your person, you’re telling your government you have no problem with this happening. It’s not the right of the TSA to do this to you just because they tell you it’s their right; and it’s pathetic to watch this country give up more and more of its privacy and freedom because there’s a small chance that a fairly rare occurrence might be stopped…

“All I know for sure is this: if these same citizens, cowed into not making waves for fear of appearing sympathetic to terrorists, had gone to a foreign country and were told that they wouldn’t be allowed to travel without being bathed in cancer rays and photographed in the nude, and then were told that by not submitting to the nude photography they were to be subjected to molestation by a security agent, they would be screaming for the US to do something about this violation. But because this is America and the word ‘security’ gets thrown around, here it’s okay.”

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