Link of the Day: The Catch 22 Campaign

“The Catch 22 Campaign,” as the group’s welcome page explains, “believes that Canadian voters are just about ready to deny Stephen Harper his much-sought-after majority in Parliament – but one more, big campaigning push is needed!

“On Saturday, we’re asking people in Catch 22 ridings across the country to take part in ‘Get Ready to ‘Heave Steve’ Day’ – a special day during which people will work extra hard handing out flyers, putting up posters, talking to their neighbours, and emailing friends to encourage them to vote against the Conservatives on Monday.

“We’re also encouraging campaigners from Catch 22 – and other groups – to mark the day with special activities, such as anti-Harper mini-protests, small get-togethers, and even ‘Heave Steve’ house parties. Invite some ‘undecideds’!

“If campaigners have an idea for a special activity in their riding, they can tell other people about it on Catch 22’s riding group discussion boards.”

Posted in Link of the Day