Link of the Day: Steve Larkin

Steve Larkin is an internationally respected spoken word artist, a lecturer in performance poetry and storytelling, the founder of the UK’s largest poetry slam organisation, and a singer/song-writer.” He’s also an old friend of my wife from her days in Oxford, and a new friend of mine following a stay in our basement this weekend.

Steve will be performing a one-man spoken word show called “N.O.N.C.E.” later this week at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival. He’s been touring a few Canadian cities and honing the show in the days leading up to the festival, doing impromptu performances as time and space allow.

On Saturday, for example, he performed in our kitchen for an audience of half a dozen people. I wasn’t one of them, sadly, because I had to head to Disgraceland to host Everyone’s a DJ. But in the end, I did get to watch Steve perform that night; during our 2:00 AM slot, he spun what I believe was his first set ever, which featured some material by his own band.

Steve’s a daring poet, a fine DJ, and an excellent house guest. Get to know him, won’t you?


Posted in Link of the Day