Two blogs (one new, one new again)
In addition to trying to rejuvenate this blog, I’ve been working on a couple of others. If you feel like killing some time on the web, I invite you to pay them a visit.
First of all, I’ve been working on rebuilding a site called I launched the site back in April, but I let it lapse during the tail end of 2011. So I drew up a list of new year’s resolutions for the blog in the hope of getting it back on its feet, and so far things are going well.
Second of all, if you’ve been following me on Twitter, then you may have noticed a few recent links to a site called What’s Matt Been Drinking?, which I launched on the first of January. Reaching deep into my big sack of eloquent turns of phrase, I described it as a “daily look at the local and global culture of alcohol – and through the quality and quantity of one man’s humble role in that culture.” It’ll be a fun little side project, and I do hope you’ll check it out.
Posted in Blogging