Just to be clear, my wife isn’t pregnant again
In retrospect, I could have chosen a better subject line for yesterday’s post. All I’d planned to do was crack a few jokes about my family, the underestimated power of young women, and my general lack of traditional manliness. But before I knew it, friends on Facebook and Twitter were congratulating my wife and I for expecting another child.
Some people told me that the subject line had gotten them all excited, before they went on to read the actual post and realize their mistake. Others had read the post and congratulated me anyway, assuming that this was just my roundabout way of announcing that we were expecting another daughter. The latter faction in particular goes to show you what people might read into your posts if you’re not careful.
Either way, my wife’s not pregnant. We are not expecting another child. If that happens to change in the near future – and yes, not to jinx it, but we’re open to the idea – I’ll let you know in a much more direct fashion. And with all due respect to you, dear reader, my friends and family aren’t going to hear it here first.
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