Five easy ways to support RaBIT and reform local democracy

The good people at the Ranked Ballot Initiative of Toronto have been making some real gains in their campaign to improve our city’s voting system, and they need our help to maintain that momentum. A vote on these issues is expected “sometime soon” at City Hall, so the folks at RaBIT sent out an email this weekend with five simple ways you can help:

  • Visit their website, learn about the issues, and encourage others to do the same.
  • Like their page on Facebook, share it with your friends, and tell them why these issues matter to you.
  • Follow them on Twitter, and be sure to let your followers know they’re out there.
  • Find out if your city councillor supports RaBIT. If they do, thank them. If they don’t, ask them why not. If you don’t know who your councillor is, it’s easy enough to find out.
  • Join the RaBIT team at a picnic in Grange Park on Saturday, 11 May 2013 at 2:00 PM. You can RSVP on Facebook, and of course you can invite your friends and loved ones.

Please take the time to learn more about RaBIT. They’re a terrific group of people, working hard to make our city and our electoral system better. If you’re on board with that, do take a moment to show your support.

Posted in Social Action

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