You wouldn’t believe how quiet my house is right now

Yesterday afternoon, we handed my kid off to my parents. She spent the night at their place, giving us a much-needed night off. She’s still over there now, and as much as I love her, I’m so grateful to have a little child-free time on a long weekend.

We haven’t exactly painted the town red, but we’ve had some fun. After doing some chores and gardening, we headed to Comedy Bar for drinks, followed by a great dinner at the Hogtown Vegan. From there, it was back home to half a bottle of wine and the first episode of Shameless. We headed to bed fairly early, and we slept like logs.

Today, we’re enjoying a lazy morning. My wife said she wouldn’t be able to sleep past 9:00 AM, but so far she’s doing a great job. Soon we’ll head to brunch with a few friends, and then I guess we’ll think about picking up the kid at some point.

Posted in Friends and Family

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