Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and who else?

If you’d like to keep global tabs on the sort of human rights violations and campaigns for equality we discussed in the last couple of posts, then I’d like to share a couple of sources with you.

Amnesty International, for example, runs a number of invaluable RSS feeds. In addition to their news and updates feed, I encourage you to check out their appeals for action feed, which will keep you informed on current campaigns and let you know what you can do to help. If you’d rather keep it light, there’s a good news feed you can follow. Visit their website for the full list of feeds.

There’s also Human Rights Watch, which has a wealth of feeds sorted by issue and region. I’ve been following their general news feed, which is fairly thorough in itself. You may want to have a look at some of the others.

What about your favourites? I’m always looking for useful news sources, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Please feel free to share your favourites in the comments. WorldNetDaily doesn’t count.

Posted in Social Action

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