Texting with Paul Gagnon
Paul: What’s cover there?
Me: Free. Drinks are pricey. Just stopped in to write a few things down.
Paul: Always with the notepad you
Me: I am actually getting yelled at slash flirted with over my notepad now. Time to become unattractive!
Paul: Wow ladies love the mystery reporter?
Me: I told her I live with my parents. She’s gone now.
By the way, when I told my girlfriend this story, she asked why I’d told that other girl that I lived with my parents instead of my girlfriend. The reason, in case anyone else out there is wondering, is because aggressive women at bars tend to approach a girlfriend who’s not there as a challenge, while they approach parents whose basement you live in as a sign that you’re a nerd. There, now you know.
Posted in Stuff
Truly you are wise beyond your years.
I think you were just keeping your options open in case she was into nerds.
Yeah, because your weird taste in guys is really that common.