She is the burden of my generation (but I sure do love her)
I’ve been meaning to set up an iTunes playlist on my phone for my daughter, just because she often needs a little music to calm her down or get her to sleep. My phone is always within reach, so it makes sense to load it up with music.
Technically speaking, I have created a playlist, but the only thing I’ve put on it so far is Graceland by Paul Simon. Not only is it a great album, but there’s a track on it for just about every one of my daughter’s many moods.
In fact, I think the reason why I haven’t yet gotten around to adding more tracks to that playlist is because there hasn’t been any real need to do so. I’ve already got Graceland on there, so I’m pretty much covered.
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We used to drive around with Bon Iver playing and she was always asleep by the time Holocene came on
That sounds about right. I should give it a try…