Alec Baldwin returns in “The Hunt for Raging Actor”
Alec Baldwin is missing! The Hollywood star and Twitter icon apparently deleted his account last night after tweeting an angry rant against Daily Mail writer George Stark, who had accused his wife of tweeting during the funeral of James Gandolfini.
It’s sad when this sort of thing happens. Alec Baldwin is a talented and charming actor, but he’s one of those people who goes out of his way to remind us that he’s probably not a great person, and certainly not a great father. His rant last night was as immature and unhinged as we’ve sadly come to expect – and shockingly homophobic to boot, just in time for Pride Week.
If only I were one of those people who doesn’t like Baldwin at the best of times, you know? In addition to being a short-fused blowhard, he’s also a vocal liberal, and his condescending approach to politics has earned him many enemies and critics over the years. Why can’t I be one of those people at a time like this?
Then again, maybe this is a good thing. I think we can all agree that our politics have become too divisive, and that our culture could benefit from a little common ground. If someone like me can reach across the aisle and acknowledge that Baldwin’s an asshole, then maybe that could be the start of some real change.
My favourite take on last night’s incident, aside from a lengthy series of ill-advised tweets I posted in tribute, was a comment from a “conservative/libertarian” named Steve. “I think he’d be a fine politician for the dem’s,” Steve said. “fat, old, temperamental, white guy. Fits right in!”
I drew a lot of comfort from that comment, because despite our differences, that’s exactly how I’d describe a typical member of the Republican Party. Sure, I’m a hundred percent right, and Steve’s obviously a partisan hack with no sense of humour. But maybe we’re not so different, he and I.
Posted in Personal
Tags: Alec Baldwin, Daily Mail, Democrats, James Gandolfini, parenting, Pride, Republicans, Twitter