Babylon Telecom says there are “66 days to go”
Earlier today on Twitter, the folks at Babylon Telecom tweeted the phrase “66 days to go.” If you visit their website today, you’ll see the same message. What do you think that’s all about?
Tags: Babylon Telecom, Twitter
Posted in Creative Projects |
The chicken, the egg and the slacktivist
Benjamin Boles, the Music Editor at NOW, said something on Twitter the other day that caught my attention. “The problem with treating Twitter as purely an activist tool,” he said, “is that you tend to start seeing everyone as either ally or enemy.” There’s a lot of truth to this. We’ve all known people who […]
Tags: Benjamin Boles, NOW, slacktivism, Twitter
Posted in Social Action |
Alec Baldwin returns in “The Hunt for Raging Actor”
Alec Baldwin is missing! The Hollywood star and Twitter icon apparently deleted his account last night after tweeting an angry rant against Daily Mail writer George Stark, who had accused his wife of tweeting during the funeral of James Gandolfini. It’s sad when this sort of thing happens. Alec Baldwin is a talented and charming […]
Tags: Alec Baldwin, Daily Mail, Democrats, James Gandolfini, parenting, Pride, Republicans, Twitter
Posted in Personal |