It’s Friday, so here’s the video for “What a Fool Believes” by Neri Per Caso and Mario Biondi

I’ve been going a little heavy with the videos lately, so today, let’s go with something lighter. If you’re like me, you’ve had a long week.

Neri Per Caso is an Italian a cappella group. In 2008, they teamed up with fellow Italian Mario Biondi to record this version of “What a Fool Believes,” the 1978 Doobie Brothers classic written by Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins. This version is lighter and more subdued, and although it could have come off as hokey, it ultimately works.

I’ve spun this version at a few recent club nights, and it always tends to go over well. Nobody over here has really heard of Biondi or Neri Per Caso (he said smugly), but the cover speaks for itself. Be warned that if you watch the video now, you’re bound to end up with the song in your head for the rest of the day.

The video itself is nothing exceptional; to tell you the truth, it’s a little bit goofy in places. That’s the risk you run when you ask an Italian a cappella group to pretend they’re trapped in a Rubik’s Cube, and to tumble around like the crew of the Enterprise whenever one of the faces turns. I suppose it’s a metaphor for the ups and downs of love, or something like that. Either way, it’s colourful, it’s catchy, and it does what it sets out to do.

Posted in It's Friday

One Response to “It’s Friday, so here’s the video for “What a Fool Believes” by Neri Per Caso and Mario Biondi”

  1. jason says:

    Koko would be proud. So smooth!