Happy belated birthday, Ben!
I’m a couple of days late on this one – I’m still catching up on the email backlog after Oregon, I’m afraid – but hopefully better late than never. Ben Peterson, the founder of Journalists for Human Rights, celebrated his thirty-second birthday on Tuesday. In honour of the occasion, and in lieu of any gifts, […]
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Great job, Chris Brown!
I’ve been yelling about this all over the web since I found out about it half an hour ago, so I figured I might as well post it here and get it out of my system. But since it’s so infuriatingly, dumbassedly stupid that I don’t even know where to begin, I hope you won’t […]
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Congratulations, Hen and Jenry!
Oregon was a wonderful time indeed, and the wedding that prompted the trip was one of the best I’ve ever attended. The highs were high, the lows were maudlin, the drinking was epic, and the apologies were heartfelt. Congratulations and all the best to Henry and Jen, who I hope will enjoy a lifetime of […]
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That’s not right
“Can we go to Wendy’s instead of Burger King?” I overheard a woman ask her friends a moment ago. One of them shrugged and nodded, so she threw her hands in the air and shouted “Yay! Wendy’s!” Well, I’m sorry, but that won’t do. Everybody’s got a right to their opinion, and the fact that […]
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Some people call him Hitler ’cause he speaks of the pompitous of universal health care
The “Obama as Hitler” thing has run its course. We can all agree on that, right? There’s a graphic making the rounds on the web at the moment, which you may have seen, that articulates the silliness of the Hitler angle better than I ever could. But that’s nothing compared to the new “Joker Obama” […]
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Life is hopefully peaceful there
Kate and I are flying down to Oregon tomorrow. One of the best dudes in my life is getting married on the weekend in the bride’s hometown of Grants Pass, and we figured we might as well throw some time in Portland into the mix and make a week of it. Frankly, I’m glad we […]
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