Pre-order Neil Pasricha’s awesome book

, February 17, 2010

I’ve mentioned my friend Neil Pasricha and his award-winning blog 1000 Awesome Things in this space before. But tonight, I’m glad to be able to tell you that he’s got a new book on the way. Not just any book, but a book you can pre-order now through Amazon and other online retailers. Much of […]

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Currently enjoying “Invaders Must Die” by the Prodigy

, February 16, 2010

I know, but hear me out. It’s been nearly thirteen years since The Fat of the Land hit the shelves, and to say that the Prodigy never quite managed to repeat their success is an obvious, generous understatement. It took them five years to follow up with the frankly weird and disappointing Baby’s Got a […]

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Time is money (sort of)

, February 15, 2010

I’m generally pretty good at handling money. I spend modestly, I save responsibly, and I don’t tend to go into debt. I’m not all that great at math, let alone accounting, but I recognize that money is a finite resource and I’m pretty good at treating it that way. I just wish I could learn […]

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It’s Friday, so here’s the video for “Asylum” by the Orb

, February 12, 2010

Once again, I couldn’t find a copy of this video on YouTube or Vevo. In fact, I had to go through a number of clips on a few different sites just to find one that Canadians can watch. Thankfully, a Chinese site called came through with a choppy, ad-laden version. Not that it’s a […]

Posted in It's Friday |

Metric probably could have put a little more thought into their “Haiti Relief” t-shirt

, February 10, 2010

Helping the people of Haiti in their time of need is a great thing to do, and you’d have to be a pretty cynical person to question the motives of someone who does so. Unless they choose an obnoxiously self-serving way to do it, like Metric apparently did with their recent t-shirt. The Daily Swarm, […]

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Currently enjoying “Hello Mom!” by Modeselektor

, February 9, 2010

The first album of three and counting from Berlin duo Modeselektor is sort of like a survey course of the high points of the recent history of electronic music. Numerous styles are explored throughout the album’s many twists and turns, and although the individual tracks stand on their own two feet, the album as a […]

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We just bought a house

, February 8, 2010

It’s amazing how quickly these things happen. We saw the place yesterday, put an offer in today, and got the confirmation tonight. We’ll move out of our apartment at the end of April, after exactly four years of living here, and from there we’ll be living in a place we actually own. So that’s one […]

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It’s Friday, so here’s the video for “Can U Dig It?” by Pop Will Eat Itself

, February 5, 2010

I normally don’t like linking to music videos on the web, because you never know how long they’re going to be around for. Inevitably, you’ll click on a link and discover that a video is no longer available because a record company kicked up some dust and got it pulled from the web. I’ve always […]

Posted in It's Friday |

Today’s the day to vote for Cathy Crowe in the Toronto Centre by-election

, February 4, 2010

The big day is finally here. If you live in the riding, please get out today and cast your vote. If you know of anyone who does, please encourage them to do the same. All the information you’ll need can be found right here. Let’s make this happen! A victory for Cathy Crowe will not […]

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The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative

, February 3, 2010

“Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions among Canada’s Aboriginal People,” says a statement from the Canadian Diabetes Association. “Because of unique genetic, social and lifestyle circumstances, they are 3 to 5 times more likely than the general population to be diagnosed with the disease… The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI) provides essential funding for diabetes prevention, screening […]

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