Link of the Day: The Girl Effect
“Adolescent girls are capable of raising the standard of living in the developing world. Girls are the most likely agents of change, but they are often invisible to their societies and to our media. “When everyone – girls, parents, teachers, executives, artists, hairdressers, forest rangers, rock stars, presidents, investors, advertisers, skateboarders, truckers, cowboys, organizations, chefs, […]
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Haircuts aren’t supposed to hurt, right?
At the risk of navel-gazing, I went out and got a haircut last night. I hadn’t gotten one since weeks before the wedding, and that haircut wasn’t done by my usual guy. So for lack of a better word, last night’s haircut was a bit of a reunion. And as much as I hate to […]
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More (potentially) good AIDS-related news
Yesterday, while I was busy talking about the recent UNAIDS announcement that the global HIV epidemic has been “halted,” the media was busy talking about a new drug called Truvada. As a piece on the CTV News website explains, Truvada is an antiretroviral drug used by HIV patients to reduce their viral load. But a […]
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Compelling thoughts on the TSA affair from a guy who’s got a serious thing for Kristen Bell
Last week, I shared a recent commentary by Davey D on the whole TSA hullabaloo. Today, I feel like it’s only right to link to this post by blogger SamuraiFrog over at the frequently clever (and often NSFW) Electronic Cerebrectomy. Like Davey D, he rises above all the shouting and makes a rather valid “big […]
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Link of the Day: Fair Trade Federation
“The Fair Trade Federation is the trade association that strengthens and promotes North American organizations fully committed to fair trade. The Federation is part of the global fair trade movement, building equitable and sustainable trading partnerships and creating opportunities to alleviate poverty.”
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The Canadian government has been accused of lobbying against action on climate change
Hey, remember last week when we were only talking about the Harper government simply standing in the way of progress on climate change, as opposed to taking an active role in making things much worse on a global level? In our names, and as our elected representatives? Well, according to the Globe and Mail, they’ve […]
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HIV epidemic “halted,” declares United Nations
Here’s a bit of great news from the BBC: according to the United Nations, the global figures for new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths are finally falling. Last year’s total of 2.6 million new HIV infections, while arguably staggering, is down nearly twenty percent from the peak of the AIDS epidemic in 1999. Meanwhile, the […]
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Link of the Day: Center for Science in the Public Interest
“Since 1971, CSPI has been a strong advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy, and sound science… “Founded by executive director Michael Jacobson, Ph.D. and two other scientists, CSPI carved out a niche as the organized voice of the American public on nutrition, food safety, health and other issues during a boom of […]
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Sofi on Salon
My good friend Sofi, who you may remember from her blog, just had a piece published on Salon. Congratulations, Sofi! Let’s all go and read it!
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